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Samuel J. Simmons NCBA Estates

The Clock Is Up

We already know the disproportionate impact pneumonia has on minority
communities. According to one study that examined influenza/pneumonia
mortality rates across 30 U.S. cities, the influenza/pneumonia mortality rate for Black Americans was 16 percent higher than the rate for White Americans.

The Clock Is Up

We already know the disproportionate impact pneumonia has on minority
communities. According to one study that examined influenza/pneumonia
mortality rates across 30 U.S. cities, the influenza/pneumonia mortality rate for Black Americans was 16 percent higher than the rate for White Americans.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) which included guidance on the clinical use of new pneumonia vaccines, Karyne Jones

As Americans continue to face multiple threats to their respiratory health including influenza, pneumonia and the ongoing threat of COVID-19, I am deeply disappointed that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has failed to provide clear and broad guidance for the use of new

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