The NCBA Health and Wellness Program
The NCBA Health and Wellness program advances the principles of activity and vitality at a mature age; decreases access barriers to healthcare; and reduces or eliminates health disparities among older adults and family caregivers across the lifespan. The program offers a wide variety of resources and technical assistance either in-person, online, or through self-paced learning opportunities.
NCBA Statement on 2024 Advance Rate Notice for
Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans
Washington, DC, March 15, 2023 – In response to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) release of the 2024 Medicare Advantage and Part D Advance Notice, Karyne Jones, President and CEO of the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging (NCBA), issued the following statement.
Medicare Advantage has several distinct components that may be particularly well suited to support the specific needs of many older Black Americans. NCBA urges policymakers to delay implementation of proposed funding changes until they have fully explored the potentially
significant unintended impacts on seniors of color.
About the National Caucus & Center for Black Aging
The National Caucus & Center on Black Aging is a national organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for older Black Americans. The organization conducts research, advocacy, and education to promote policies and programs that meet the unique needs of older Black Americans.
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Learn more about the unique realities of:
• African American and Black Caregivers
• American Indian and Alaska Native Caregivers
• Chinese American and Korean American Caregivers
• Hispanic and Latino Caregivers
• LGBTQ+ Caregivers
• Southeast Asian American Caregivers
Benefits of Attending:
• Enhance your grasp on DEI concepts.
• Recognize the distinct experiences and needs of caregivers from diverse racial, ethnic, and LGBTQ+ backgrounds.
• Deepen your cultural understanding and learn best practices on how you can more meaningfully engage with and support diverse family caregivers and older adults